First Post: New Life
I miss blogging and I miss sharing all the photos I’ve captured. With social media nowadays it’s easy to only post photos that you feel people will click the like button for, instead of posting everything you create and love. That’s why I’m getting back to where I first starting sharing my photos and that was on a blog. I’m pretty sure back in 2009 or 2010 when I ran a blog on blogger, maybe a handful of people looked at it, mostly people I knew. It was still great, though, to share everything I wanted and to just put what I wanted out there. Now photos I feel that are not, “Instagram worthy” are just sitting on my hard drive just waiting to be backed up to my external hard drive and then eventually forgotten about. Now I know most people wont look at this and that’s fine. I’m choosing to do this just for my own damn sanity and that’s fine.
If you can, please check out my Instagram and the rest of my website.
Also, please check out some of the photos I took of the 2019 Ghost Town Trail Challenge in Ebensburg, PA.